
The Waverly School 2022-2023 Revenues & Expenses


Tuition 7,479,762 87%
Contributions* 463,870 5%
WPO events 47,447 1%
Other 640,684 7%
Total Revenues 8,631,763 100%


Salaries & Benefits 6,152,792 71%
Building & Maintenance 952,144 11%
Program 941,732 11%
General Business 603,563 7%
Reserves (18,468) 0%
Total Expenses 8,631,763 100%

*Note: In 2022-2023, Waverly received a one-time gift of $4 million, the largest in the school’s history. The funds are allocated toward high impact, long-term projects, programs, and investments that focus on areas of high student/community benefit, including sustaining and supporting flexible tuition, sustaining and supporting faculty and staff, and creating a campus that well supports students and the education program. A portion of the contribution funded the purchase of 124 Waverly.


Cheenu Kashyap
taught at Waverly for 17 years before leaving to care for her mother in 2022. (Her teaching history, along with current teachers Marina Dahlen and Maria Brown, actually began with the preschool, before it expanded to elementary and middle school and became The Waverly School.)

Cheenu taught preschool, kindergarten, and 1st/2nd grades.

“ . . throughout my career at Waverly I have seen so many success stories of children who came from previous experiences where they did not feel the support and trust. Here at Waverly, we foremost provided the children with tools and experiences that helped them develop their self-confidence and the ability to socialize and make friendships.”

Support the Waverly Fund today.